We are partnering with Powder7 to bring you this special Thirsty Thursday. Free admission and beer in the museum beginning at 5:30 pm. Matchstick Productions new film Fade into Winter and gear giveaway following the film brought to you by Powder7 at 8pm in the auditorium.

For the 7th consecutive year, Powder7 is proud to present a screening of MSP's latest ski flick.

At 6pm we will have Jagged Mountain Craft Brewery beer and free admission to the museum.
The doors open at 7pm for the film and the movie begins at 8pm.

Featuring jaw-dropping action from Alaska, Iceland, British Columbia, Japan, Colorado (woot!!), Italy, and New England, this film captures the spirit of nine skiers who go to great lengths for the sport that they love.

Starring Markus Eder, Bobby Brown, Michelle Parker, Mark Abma, Tanner Rainville, Aaron Blunck, James Heim, Sean Jordan, PK Hunder, and others.

All proceeds go to the American Mountaineering Museum.

To get tickets please visit http://www.powder7.com/Matchstick-Productions-Fade-to-Winter--Other/sale
Or go in store to Powder7 for $5 tickets!